Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

If there is one thing that drives me nuts, it’s a slow typer! Reminds me of a joke my Uncle told me “Do you type well or are you a Hunt-N-Pecker?”. I just wanted to share with you some Keyboard Shortcuts that you may not know about and may help you become quicker. While at the computer we all love shortcuts, right?



Internet Shortcuts:


Hold “Ctrl” while hitting “Enter” (Ctrl + Enter) = Creates URL
– When typing a web address in the address bar the correct way to type it is: Well with this shortcut just type in “thedomain” then just hold down the “Ctrl” button and then the hit “Enter” button and it will automatically create for you.



Common Program Shortcuts

Many programs have shortcuts, but these are pretty common for most that are Windows based.


Hold “Ctrl” while hitting “X” (Ctrl + X) = Cut
– When you highlight words or pictures instead of right clicking and hitting cut just hold down the “Ctrl” button and then the hit “X” button to cut what you have selected.


Hold “Ctrl” while hitting “C” (Ctrl + C) = Copy
– When you highlight words or pictures instead of right clicking and hitting copy just hold down the “Ctrl” button and then the hit “C” button to copy what you have selected.


Hold “Ctrl” while hitting “V” (Ctrl + V) = Paste
– When you want to paste what you have copied or cut don’t right click “copy”, just hold down the “Ctrl” button and then the hit “V” button to paste what you have cut/copied.


Hold “Ctrl” while hitting “Z” (Ctrl + Z) = Undo
– When you want to Undo an action, in most programs, just hold down the “Ctrl” button and then the hit “Z” button and it will undo your last action.


Hold “Ctrl” while hitting “A” (Ctrl + A) = Select All
– When you want to select everything just hold down the “Ctrl” button and then the hit “A” button and everything will be highlighted/selected.


Hold “Ctrl” while hitting “S” (Ctrl + S) = Save
– When you want to save something just hold down the “Ctrl” button and then the hit “S” button and in some programs the item or document will be saved.


Hold “Ctrl” while hitting “P” (Ctrl + P) = Print
– When you want to print something just hold down the “Ctrl” button and then the hit “P” button and a print box will pop up prompting you to print.



Microsoft Office Shortcuts

While some of these work with other programs they are based from MS Office


Hold “Ctrl” while hitting “B” (Ctrl + B) = Bold
– When you want to bold just select the item and hold down the “Ctrl” button and then the hit “B” button and the item will be bolded.


Hold “Ctrl” while hitting “U” (Ctrl + U) = Underline
– When you want to underline just select the item and hold down the “Ctrl” button and then the hit “U” button and the item will be underlined.


Hold “Ctrl” while hitting “I” (Ctrl + I) = Italics
– When you want to convert words to italics just select the item and hold down the “Ctrl” button and then the hit “i” button and the item will be converted to italic.


This is just a short list, but these are shortcuts that I use on a daily basis. If you know of anymore, or have any comments, please feel free to let me know below!

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